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The Netzarim (A.K.A: Natsarim or Netzari/Nazarene)

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Are you ready to uncover the ancient paths and rediscover the faith once delivered to the saints? The Netzarim movement calls believers to a lifestyle grounded in Torah observance, devotion to יהוה, and faith in יהושׁוּע HaMashiach. It challenges the traditions of men and invites us to live as watchmen, following The Way taught by the Messiah and His apostles. What does it mean to walk in obedience, align with the commandments, and prepare for His return? Dive into this transformative study and explore how faith and action unite to reflect true righteousness. Join the journey—return to the ancient paths!

The Netzarim are believers rooted in the Scriptures, following the Torah as the foundation of their faith and discipleship while rejecting man-made doctrines, traditions, and denominational affiliations. The proper term is Netzarim, emphasizing a historically and scripturally accurate representation, unlike the commonly misused “Natsarim,” which highlights the ignorance of critics. Their beliefs center on living according to The Way established by Y’shu’ah HaMashiach (Yeshua the Messiah), embracing the commandments of יהוה, and maintaining a watchful role as spiritual sentinels for His return.

The Netzarim are not a denomination or sect but a body of believers dedicated to the covenant relationship with יהוה through Y’shu’ah. They emphasize purity of faith, rejecting theological distortions from both Rabbinic Judaism and mainstream Christianity.

The Netzarim represent a movement deeply rooted in Scripture, emphasizing the Torah as the foundation of faith and discipleship while firmly rejecting man-made doctrines, traditions, and denominational labels. The correct and authentic name is Netzarim, not Natsarim, which highlights the ignorance and misunderstanding of many who misrepresent their beliefs and practices.

The Netzarim call all believers to return to “the Ancient Paths”, to reject the corrupting influence of human traditions and return to the simplicity and purity of the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3). To restore the faith as it was taught and practiced by יהושׁוּע HaMashiach and His apostles. This restoration is not merely a theological exercise but a lifestyle that embodies devotion, obedience, and anticipation of the Messiah’s return. Their mission is grounded in scriptural truth, with an emphasis on the Torah, the teachings of יהושׁוּע, and the unity of all believers under the covenant of Elohim.Their lifestyle is not defined by labels or movements but by a steadfast commitment to following The Way established by Y’shu’ah, living in obedience to the commandments of יהוה, and standing as faithful watchmen in preparation for His return.

Core Beliefs and Practices of the Netzarim

1. Centered on יהוה and יהושׁוּע HaMashiach

The Netzarim’s faith is unequivocally centered on יהוה (Elohim/God) and יהושׁוּע HaMashiach. They view their relationship with יהוה as a covenantal bond, upheld through obedience to His commandments and faith in His Messiah.

  • Scriptural Foundations:

    • Deuteronomy 6:4-6 (Shema): "Hear, O Israel: יהוה our Elohim, יהוה is one. Love יהוה your Elohim with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength."

    • John 14:15: "If you love me, keep my commands."

    • Matthew 7:21-23: יהושׁוּע warned against empty professions of faith, emphasizing the necessity of doing the will of יהוה.

The Shema, central to the Netzarim faith, not only affirms the oneness of Elohim but calls for wholehearted devotion. The Hebrew term ahavah (אַהֲבָה) for "love" in this context is active and covenantal, emphasizing actions that demonstrate love through obedience.

2. The Eternal Relevance of Torah

For the Netzarim, the Torah is not an antiquated law but the living foundation of their faith. יהושׁוּע’s life and teachings did not abolish the Torah but fulfilled and magnified it, revealing its spiritual depth.

  • Scriptural Evidence:

    • Matthew 5:17-19: יהושׁוּע declared, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."

    • Psalm 19:7: "The law of יהוה is perfect, refreshing the soul."

    • Jeremiah 31:31-34: The promise of the Renewed Covenant, where יהוה writes His Torah on the hearts of His people.

  • Expanded Insights:

    • The Hebrew word Torah (תּוֹרָה) derives from the root yarah (יָרָה), meaning "to teach" or "to instruct." This reveals its purpose as guidance for righteous living.

    • Y’shu’ah יהושׁוּע demonstrated Torah observance in His life, celebrating the feasts, honoring the Sabbath, and teaching its spiritual application (e.g., Matthew 5:21-48).

Reflective Questions:

  • How does understanding the Torah as instruction change your perspective on its relevance?

  • In what ways can Torah observance deepen your relationship with יהוה?


3. Distinction from Christianity and Judaism

The Netzarim reject the syncretism and traditions that have crept into Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism, choosing instead to adhere solely to Scripture.

  • Criticisms of Christianity:

    • Practices such as Sunday worship, Christmas, and Easter are seen as pagan incorporations that distort biblical truth.

    • The abandonment of the Torah is viewed as a significant deviation from יהושׁוּע’s teachings.

  • Criticisms of Rabbinic Judaism:

    • Traditions such as the Talmud are seen as human additions that often obscure the Torah’s clarity.

    • Y’shu’ah יהושׁוּע confronted the Pharisees for prioritizing traditions over the commandments of Elohim (Mark 7:8-9).

4. Y'shu'ah as Messiah and the Way

The Netzarim view יהושׁוּע as the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecies in the Tanakh. His life and teachings exemplify the "Way" (HaDerech), a path of obedience, faith, and spiritual transformation.

  • Scriptural Foundations:

    • John 14:6: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life."

    • Isaiah 53: The Suffering Servant prophecy fulfilled in יהושׁוּע’s atoning sacrifice.

  • Expanded Insights:

    • The term Way (דֶּרֶךְ, derech) signifies a journey or lifestyle, not merely intellectual assent. יהושׁוּע’s followers were originally known as followers of "The Way" (Acts 9:2, 24:14).

Reflective Questions:

  • How does viewing יהושׁוּע as the "Way" influence your daily walk?

  • In what areas can you more fully model His example?


5. Identity as Watchmen

The Hebrew word Netzarim (נְצָרִים) translates to "watchmen" or "branches," emphasizing their role as spiritual sentinels and their connection to יהושׁוּע, the True Vine.

  • Scriptural Foundations:

    • Isaiah 62:6: "I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night."

    • Ezekiel 33:7: "Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel."

Reflective Questions:

  • How can you act as a watchman in your community, calling others to repentance and faith?

  • What does it mean to stay spiritually vigilant in anticipation of יהושׁוּע’s return?


6. Unity in the Commonwealth of Israel

The Netzarim emphasize that all believers—whether Yahudim or Gentile—are grafted into the olive tree of Israel, forming one body in יהושׁוּע.

  • Scriptural Foundations:

    • Romans 11:17-19: "You, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others."

    • Ephesians 2:11-13: Gentiles are brought near and made part of the commonwealth of Israel through יהושׁוּע.

Reflective Questions:

  • How does understanding your identity within the commonwealth of Israel shape your faith journey?

  • What steps can you take to promote unity among all believers?


7. Holiness Through Torah

The Netzarim see the Torah as the path to holiness, guiding believers in righteous living and revealing the character of יהוה.

  • Scriptural Foundations:

    • Leviticus 19:2: "Be holy because I, יהוה your Elohim, am holy."

    • 1 Peter 1:16: "Be holy, for I am holy."

Reflective Questions:

  • How does daily Torah study illuminate your understanding of Elohim’s will?

  • In what ways can you align your life more closely with His commandments?


Practical Applications for Believers Today

  • Return to the Ancient Paths (Jeremiah 6:16): Seek to align your life with the original teachings of יהושׁוּע, grounded in Torah observance and faith.

  • Test All Things (1 Thessalonians 5:21): Examine teachings and traditions in light of Scripture, rejecting anything that contradicts Elohim’s Word.

  • Live Set-Apart Lives (1 Peter 2:9): Embrace the holiness commanded by יהוה, shining as a light to the nations.


Conclusion: A Call to Faithfulness

The Netzarim invite all believers to return to the ancient paths of righteousness, walking as יהושׁוּע and His apostles did. This is not about legalism or exclusivity but about a heartfelt commitment to יהוה’s commandments and the transformative power of faith in יהושׁוּע HaMashiach.

  • Revelation 14:12: "Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of Elohim and their faith in יהושׁוּע."

Let us heed this call, living as watchmen and faithful followers of יהוה and יהושׁוּע, anticipating the day when His kingdom is fully established on earth. May our lives reflect His glory, and may we inspire others to walk The Way of the Netzarim.

Reflective Discussion Questions

  1. How does understanding the Torah as instruction and guidance rather than a set of rules reshape your view of Elohim's commandments?

  2. What steps can you take to live as a watchman, preparing yourself and others for יהושׁוּע HaMashiach’s return?

  3. How does being grafted into the commonwealth of Israel change your understanding of unity in faith?

  4. What traditions or practices in your faith journey might need to be reassessed in light of scriptural truth?

  5. How can you more fully demonstrate your love for Elohim through obedience to His commandments?


Fill-in-the-Blank Study Questions

  1. The Hebrew word Torah comes from the root word ________, meaning "to teach" or "to instruct."

  2. יהושׁוּע said, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the ________ or the ________; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them" (Matthew 5:17).

  3. The Netzarim emphasize calling upon the true name of the Messiah, which is ________, meaning "Yah is Salvation."

  4. The Hebrew term for "watchmen," used to describe the Netzarim, is ________.

  5. According to Ephesians 2:11-13, Gentiles are brought near and made part of the ________ of Israel through יהושׁוּע HaMashiach.

  6. The promise of the Renewed Covenant, where Elohim writes His Torah on hearts, is found in ________ 31:31-34.

  7. The Netzarim believe that faith is demonstrated through obedience to ________, not as legalism but as an act of love for Elohim.


Answer Sheet: Reflective Discussion Questions

  1. The Torah provides a deeper understanding of Elohim’s heart and His design for righteous living, emphasizing relationship over rigid rules.

  2. By being vigilant in prayer, studying Scripture, and encouraging others to repent and obey Elohim’s commandments.

  3. It shows that Yahudim and Gentiles are one in Messiah, unified under Elohim’s covenant.

  4. Traditions should be measured against Scripture, rejecting those that contradict Elohim’s Word.

  5. By faithfully observing His Sabbaths, honoring His commandments, and reflecting His character in daily life.


Answer Sheet: Fill-in-the-Blank Study Questions

  1. Yarah

  2. Torah; Prophets

  3. Y’shu’ah יהושׁוּע  (Yahushua)

  4. Netzarim

  5. Commonwealth

  6. Jeremiah

  7. Torah



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The Journey Begins here!

And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.
(1 John 2:3-6 KJV)

How did he walk?

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