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The Truth

When we embark on learning to walk as he walked, we often create limiting beliefs to protect ourselves. Have theological baggage, that are just not correct.  Ironically, these beliefs are never based in reality. While they may shield us from failure, disappointment, and risk, they also prevent us from fulfilling our purpose.

Our Beliefs

In our community, we share purposeful content that emphasizes walking as Yahushua (Jesus) walked. We focus on discipleship and maintaining a covenant relationship with Him. Our goal is to stay true to the message and purpose, guiding you in your walk with the Messiah. We provide helpful ways to build confidence and generate positive direction in your covenant relationship. Share any challenges you need help with, and we are committed to empowering you to live a life of walking as He walked.

We prioritize serving and being bond servants of the Messiah. Our community is dedicated to learning, applying, growing, sharing, and teaching in a continuous process. We live what we teach and deliver on our promises. We are all learning and growing, striving to help others do the same through example, edification, and education.

Love & Care
Every interaction in our community is infused with sincere love and care. We support and encourage one another, providing edification, sound teachings, and doctrines to foster growth and encouragement in walking as He walked. We commit to refraining from criticism, complaints, and gossip under any circumstances.

Edification & Growth
We are curious about and committed to each other’s growth as disciples and leaders. We achieve our goals and exceed our best, recognizing that each of us is far from perfect but also more powerful and full of potential through the power of the Ruach HaKodesh.

Our community creates joy, laughter, and fun. We celebrate our successes together, sharing our wins and what we are most proud of. We support each other by celebrating and cheering on each other’s successes. “A rising tide lifts all boats.” We also share in our failures and learning experiences.


“True Repentance is required”

Yahûshûa (Jesus) did NOT hang out with others living in blatant sin to make them feel good about their sin. 
He called them to REPENTANCE. He did NOT AFFIRM them in their sin. 

To love like Jesus (Yahushua) means we call others to repent. Repentance means to turn from the sin (transgression of Yah's instructions/commandments/LAW) and to actually follow Yahûshûa and walk as He walked. He was PERFECT and NEVER sinned. We, as believers, should be very careful in how we interact with those living in sin. Period. Pleasing our Father in Heaven should take precedence over placating the feelings of others. 

To love God means to tell others the truth. It doesn't mean having a party with them. Only those that are in the fatih are family.

Repentance requires:

• CONTRITION or sorrow for sin. This can be obtained only at the foot of the Cross. ...
• CONFESSION of all known sin. This involves a careful examination of our conscience. ...
• SANCTIFICATION & AMENDMENT OF LIFE. We must intend to lead a new or better life.


The Call

Ephraim’s Call.

The ancient prophets foretold of events yet to unfold. Today, we stand on the precipice of witnessing these prophecies come to life. We are observing the unfolding of the Book of Revelation in our own lifetime. We are nearing the end of the era, “the times of the Gentiles”.
We are watching and participating in “Can these bones live”, of Ezekiel 37.
People, awaken! Be vigilant! The end was prophesied from the start!


Deep within the ancient scriptures lies a profound truth—a call to recall the past, to understand the very essence of life. These timeless words from Isaiah 46:9-11 encapsulate the spirit of creation that transcends time, intricately woven into the fabric of destiny and purpose inherent in Creation and the prophecy of creation. We discover the essence of foresight, the manifestation of divine wisdom that surpasses human understanding. In the mind of Elohim, the past, present, and future merge into a purpose—a purpose that unfolds according to His counsel, His pleasure, His divine plan.


A thorough search of the scriptures reveals that The Plan was conceived even before the dawn of time, before the first “I AM” that created time and space, that emerged from eternity. Even in the very first word of the Hebrew text, a prophecy and a promise are hidden. It is concealed in the Hebrew from us, in our English translations. It is hidden in the Hebrew because it is in the pictorial language, the Paleo Hebrew alphabet, that this image emerges.


If we take all the letters and letter combinations from the first word in the Hebrew texts and use The Paleo-Hebrew script, where each letter signifies something different, this arb בראשׁית Bereshit, we get the following word picture understanding: The First Son of the Mighty El (The Father ʼĒl ʻElyōn) Most High emerged from His Royal Home (Eternity) as the Creator, He had His Creation in Mind when He became a Gift to Lead us back to him. His Plan was to be Crushed by His own Hand as a Gift, which He would do on a Cross as a Sign of the Covenant from the Beginning.


In the very first sentence or verse of the Hebrew Scriptures, we find the establishment of the Aleph Tav as the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Upon studying, we find that he, specifically, appears some 41 times throughout the Old Testament. His primary appearances are in the first five books of the Bible, known as the Torah, the instructions. And of course, we see him specifically in the first chapter, verse 8 in the Revelation for it is the revelation of who the Messiah truly is.


The word of Elohim is the Torah. Torah is the covenant "Torah" תורה comes from the 3-letter root ירה. As read as it would be in Hebrew (from right to left) we find its hidden meaning “Behold/Revealed (the) Man Nailed (to the) Stake (for the) Covenant/Sign/Signature. Ponder upon it. Can you see Messiah Yahûshûa יהושׁוּע in the word Torah?


Using all four letters of the word Torah we get, behold the man nailed to the cross. Yahûshûa יהושׁוּע. He is the Torah, the Instructions, the example Romans 10:4 “For Messiah is the goal of the Torah as a means to righteousness for everyone who keeps trusting.”


“Blessed is the man you discipline, O LORD (Yahûah יהוה), the man you teach from your Torah” (Psalms 94:12) In its simplest form, the name Yahûah יהוה itself points to and can be understood that he is the savior: “behold the nail behold the hand” the gospel of redemption is in his name. Because of Idolatry (spiritual Adultery) Yahuah divorced Israel. He sent the Northern Kingdom A.K.A: Israel A.K.A: Ephraim) into captivity. Lie thou also upon thy left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it: according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity. For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year. (Ezekiel 4:4-6) In 721 B.C. Assyria came and captured the Northern Kingdom of Israel taking the 10 tribes into captivity. From which they never returned. They became the “Lost tribes of Israel. In Leviticus 26, Elohim say that he will bring punishment if Israel doesn’t obey his commandment and the punishment will be multiplied 7 times. The punishment was originally for three hundred and ninety years. But Israel didn’t repent. She didn’t turn back. So the punishment was multiplied 7 times. 390x7=2730 years – 721(when Israel when into captivity)=2008. The end of the exile began in 2008. The Northern Kingdom lost their identity, their Culture, their customs, they assimilated into the cultures of the peoples around them. They became as the Gentiles.


The restoration of Israel (Ephraem) has started. Wake up, wake up you who slumber. Arise Shine for the time has come in Ezekiel 37 we see the valley of dry bones, and the question, can these bones live? Yes, these bones live and it is now the time to awaken, to return to our ancient paths. We are the Light in this dark world, the testimony. We must WAKE UP. And return to walking in Obedience. To Come out of her (the world) so the plagues will not come upon us. We must come out of the sins of the world and the gentile religions. We must let go of all the things of this world and return to Yahuah. To His Torah. To His ways. Forsaking everything else. We must learn to walk as Yahushua HaMashiach. He is our example. We must Rise and Shine. Be his testimony, his ambassadors, his witnesses. It is time, and that time is short!!! The times of the Gentiles is closing. We must advocate the throne in our Tabernacle, so that the spirit Yahuah, can take his place on that throne so he can guide us and lead us. Shine his light on the path we are to walk to do the work he created us to do. He will cleanse us, purify us and refine us. Let yourself be filled with his spirit. Fill your lamps with HIS oil, HIS spirit that we may have enough when it is needed. We are to make ourselves ready to be his bride. He will try us, test us and prove us, for his Kingdom. He will use us for his plan and purpose, Prepare Oh Israel, Wake Up Ephraem, The Bride Groom comes. There is much to do. Prepare your lamps to Shine in the darkness. Fill yourselves with his spirit, the oil that it may not run out. 

Prepare yourself for the Second or Greater Exodus; the bribe must make herself ready.

Time is short. Choose you, this day whom you serve!  Learn to walk as יהושׁוּע Yahûshûa HaMashiach walked.

The Journey Begins here!

And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.
(1 John 2:3-6 KJV)

How did he walk?

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